Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 8: Best in Vermont

Day 8 was supposed to be 4 hours of steam bending. I figured that since I was going to break a few ribs here and there, 4 hours would be all I could take. I started the morning off by marking out ribs every 6 inches. That left me with 18 ribs. Ironically enough, I only had 18 ribs. That meant ANY failure meant another trip to the HD to get more rib stock. But instead....
The backing strip was a piece of gros grain ribbon from a gift box that read "Best of Vermont. It turned out to be quite the omen. I succeeded on all 18 ribs (so I broke one, but its at a tip, where two piece ribs are often used anyway). I'm real good at wordy posts, so no more words, just pictures.

And then I took a lunch break and refilled my steamer. Once back in the workshop I needed to wait 15 minutes for the new rib to heat up. I had nothing to do and had a camera...

And a video of the bending.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great blog, I anxiously waiting for day 9.